शुक्रवार, 1 जून 2018

Location: District Kangra
Duration: 5-6 days
Grade: Easy
Best time to visit: Mid May – October
A famous mountain pass in Dhauladhar range, Indrahar Pass is located at an altitude of 4,342 meters /14,245 ft above the mean sea level. From the top of Indrahar pass, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the sacred peak of Manimahesh Kailash together with the Pir Panjal Range. Offering the best panorama of snow capped mountains, dense field, etc., this trek passes through the most attractive valleys of Himachal Pradesh. Indrahar Pass Trek follows one of the more established trails used by the Gaddi shepherds en-route to their summer grazing pastures in the upper Ravi Valley and Lahaul.

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